Wednesday 13 January 2016

Oppression of the Religious Kind

By Tony DeLorger © 2016

How righteous those people who claim to know, and demand that knowing of us, through them, trying to convert every living soul to embody a mind's delusion. In the name of a higher power they exalt themselves as messengers of truth, brought to us to save our souls, our wretched lives wallowing in sin and suffering. I say who are these people, these chosen few, that they should think they know anything at all, being the sum of all that has been regurgitated into their shallow minds, for them to enact intent on the lost.

I have nothing against religions, they are the key masters of morality and all that is positive and gracious in a giving, caring life. But when religion considers all not within it, lost, and then tries to convert others to their beliefs, I have a problem. In a world of freedom of thought, surely it is our right to embrace our beliefs, of religion, politics, or any philosophy. This is our freedom, and anyone who thinks we should believe otherwise, and acts on it, is an oppressor, a vehicle for abuse.

Any religion that sells itself on a doorstep, is beneath contempt: in the guise of piety and in reality judging all who are not of their faith, wrong, and worse, need saving. I see them all the time, and graciously tell them I am not interested. They are always respectful and leave. But beneath their smiles is a brooding master driving them to succeed, to convert, to ensure placement in afterlife and cleans their own souls. This kind of religious recruitment saddens me, and on one level their acts are anything but selfless.

Again, I've nothing against religious belief, but I do not accept this process of recruitment and intrusion. What do you think?

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