Saturday 19 November 2016

The Ludicrous Fascination with Guns in America

Those who would do us harm, should never be our own countrymen, for why do we gather under the same flag, the same ideals and beliefs of freedom? The right of being armed and taking life is an act against God, not an inalienable right of any constitution in times of peace, and therefore void of any reason.

Killing begets killing, as in times of war, the defense of family and country against invaders, but in the streets of any city, town or society, the notion that being armed is a right, is ludicrous. If you carry a weapon on your person it will be used in contentious moments, out of fear, out of anger, out of confusion, and people will die because you are armed.

The reasoning behind being able to protect yourself, is an invitation to engage deadly force, that otherwise would not come into play, even if the assailant is armed. Those people in any community who choose to be armed, are a risk to public safety and in normal circumstances are either police, security or criminals, the latter to be disarmed as a matter of law keeping.

The contention that the constitution states a right to defend yourself and family, does by no means suggest a century later, that everyone should be armed. That is a ludicrous interpretation. The gun lobby has too much political power, too much money invested in arms, and has never had the safety or welfare of the American people as a priority, just money.

America: highest rates of gun ownership, highest rates of death or injury by guns; do the math!

If any Prime Minister in Australia wishes to introduce the right to bare arms into our peaceful culture, he should be driven out of office. This is not our way.

Tony DeLorger © 2016

Monday 5 September 2016

The American Presidency

If nothing else, the American presidential race proves beyond doubt that the system of government is so fraught with corruption and inadequate systems, a chimpanzee could become president., given the right cash and media hype. What a joke the system is, but I guess it really doesn't matter who sits in the seat, the president certainly doesn't run the government anyway.

Corruption runs deep, deeper than anyone could imagine. Who owes who is far beyond a simple graph and ultimately few really know who pulls the strings. But this election is particularly revealing. On one hand you have a multimillionaire conman with always dubious business dealings: a loud mouth with no self-control, who could in fact be another Hitler. On the other hand, you have another narcissist whose corruption and reckless self-preservation knows no bounds. Both to me are far less than common thugs in expensive suits and who will no doubt have many personal agendas that will compromise their would be office.

Dumping Bernie Sanders was a grave mistake, as he was truly the only one worthy of the post. But that's the system for you. Let money buy what it can and all side with the proposed winner, regardless of the collateral damage, regardless of credibility or integrity.

I love the American people, more friendly and accommodating than most people of the world, but my God, the system of government and politicians in the USA are so completely void of common sense as money alone drives everything. There are so many secrets that even presidents and high up leaders hardly know what's actually goes on. The real rulers remain in the shadows, the world bankers and their black ops cohorts running everything.

So, to most of the world the US is a joke, an utter failure of a system that is so corrupted and having driven people to actually pursue that 'Great American Dream', let them down over and over to the point of implosion. The war on drugs, the war of terrorism, the persecution of colored Americans are all just part of the plan, the most corrupt and oppressive society on earth, delivering all the cash to the few, and keeping the masses dumb and distracted while they go about their one world order program.

Who cares who wins this presidency, because basically no-one wants either of them.

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Spiritual Path in a World of Misery

How truth divides us completely, each view alone righteous, a spike to drive into the chest of opposition. I cannot dispel the thought that never will there be peace, when man imperfect, chooses to breach his own morality for some grace of belief that insists delivering outcomes justified by means, is acceptable. The common good is rarely real, as those who quote it are striving for their own deliverance, their own personal agendas. The common good deeds includes collateral damage in displacement, injury and death, never seen as an obstacle to wanted outcomes.

How can the world become spiritually aware, when life is in tatters, greed and consumerism our false gods and competition rather than sharing has become the paradigm for life. Surely we are barking up the wrong tree, for this superficial world delivers nothing but anguish and pain, and this kind of striving is not honorable but blind, for the more we invest in the lies, the more we become one. When the light finally turns on and your life has dissipated, with nothing but trinkets and high blood pressure, a divorce and estranged children, maybe then you will see that the dream was a nightmare and the pursuit of wealth is an empty vessel.

The mark of a spiritual life keeps all this in balance, keeps the focus on love, compassion, sharing and evolving from the inept beings of our beginnings. No matter what we do in life, the only importance is how we respond to the world and each other, our innate nature to be molded by experience and uplifted by spiritual understanding and knowledge. All deceit and lies and manipulation just keeps us tied to our base reality, our caveman ancestors, who had to fight for survival. Now we choose how to act, to deal with life: to accept, to reject and make decisions based on knowledge and experience. In a spiritual state of mind we do not attract contention, rather create a smoother and more worthy passage to whatever dreams we deem important.

Pursuing any dream including a career doesn't have to be motivated by greed, the pursuit of wealth or any negative aspiration, but simply a choice of path in which we may adhere to all our spiritual aspirations and treat life in the same way as you would in any job, in any situation. We have the potential to be great, to achieve whatever we so wish, but only through balance and a spiritual path shall we rise and realize our innate potentials, where kindness and compassion lead our steps to further understand this human experience of life.

Respect also is paramount in the acceptance that all life is of value, that no life is superior to another, just because we have cognitive ability. In reality, the plant world for instance have learned many lessons that humans have not, unconditional giving, sharing, and the acceptance of natural cycles. We humans struggle with all of it, too arrogant and self- serving to even give thought to seemingly lower forms of life. The treatment of animals is a perfect example as to how base and ignorant we are. Animals all have feelings and understand much more that we think and respecting them just as important as respecting each other, both of which we struggle globally.

The spiritual path acknowledges life and its ultimate value, each life a place within this organism we call earth, and the more we respect that the less we will inhibit its natural evolution and rightful path. All the answers are within us, not in any external belief structure or ideal, for so much has been corrupted by greed and narcissism, and its about time we grew up and became aware of our true potential as living, responsible, sentient beings.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Get Tough, Not Weak!

Firstly I am not a racist, I have no religious bias and take people for who they are and present themselves. It is not my job to judge how people wish to live, but if those choices effect the greater good, then perhaps then I will speak up.

Islam is under fire continually, only because the terrorist of the day choose to use their religion as an excuse to kill and seek power. Muslims on the whole are people like you and I, wishing to live in peace and work to maintain a good life for their families. Their religious aspirations are none different to Catholics or Protestants or virtually any other religions, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever.

The problem arises when a religion extends so deeply into culture, it virtually segregates them from all other peoples. In an Islamic country, that is of course not a problem, and culture and religion work hand in hand, but should those of the Islamic faith chose to live in say a Christian country, how then should they behave culturally, so not to impact on their country of settlement?

The answer is clearly they must compromise to assimilate into the new country, as that is the culture in which they now will live. If they will not, then they are not eligible to settle; for that is surely part of an immigration expectation.

The widespread refugee crisis from war-torn Syria has created a word-wide problem of escalating concern. These displaced people feel it is their right to do as they please in their new countries of settlement, demanding they live as they have always lived , regardless of the culture of that country.

Recently in Australia and elsewhere, Muslims are demanding that they have lands and settlement as a group of religious peoples, so they can live as Muslims, both in religious practice and culture. What right has any religion or ethnic group to demand anything of a chosen country of settlement. Refugees are welcomed as are immigrants, based on their agreement to learn the language and the culture of that country so they can assimilate. Creating enclaves of any group simply separates, and division creates disharmony. If any group whether they be Islamic or whatever, refuse to assimilate, they have no right being in that country.

Hell, those displaced peoples of Syria, should be bloody thankful that a country takes them at all, let alone demanding they life how they wish. Any government that bows to these requests is creating a very tenuous future indeed, and with all those radicalized Muslims, no doubt among those who truly need re-settlement, is it any wonder people are nervous.

Any country who just opens the doors and gives these people an opportunity to recreate their own ravaged countries, in culture and religion has got to have a screw loose. Those families who truly accept resettlement and assimilation cause no problem for their host country, but those who start trying to control and demand rights they do not have should be dealt with smartly.

The world is not Islamic, and never will be, despite what many fundamentalists think. The world needs to be much tougher on immigration and refugees, offering a hand to those who truly need it, and ridding themselves of all the troublemakers who demand rights that just do not have.

Monday 25 April 2016

The Eternal Balance: the Good and Evil Within

I am not a negative person and have always lived with positive paradigms, courtesy and kindness a daily practice as I know love is the only way to peace, to a serene heart and to experience this journey with gratitude. However, when we acknowledge the darker side of human beings, when we realize that we all inherently have sin woven into our free will, it is often hard to accept what is happening in the world, the extremes to which people will go in their quest of evil.

Human beings are basically narcissistic, and no matter how we practice kindness and the ideals of love, self-protection, self-interest and self-gain relentlessly hounds our pre-preemptive intentions. When tested most of us fail to be the people we envisage and our perceived halos fall quickly to our shoulders, if not feet.

All we can do is aspire to be better, to minimize the darkness and walk with positive intentions with love as our guiding light. But life has a way of defeating these hopes, by way of the daily necessities of striving for money, possessions and status in a society that has become more than consumerist, more than competitive and breeds lies and deception each and every moment.

As a consequence we become cynical, non-trusting and hardened to the reality of being manipulated by others. We become harder, less loving or kind because we have doubts about everyone. Terrorism, increases in crime and violence doesn't help as the world leans more to the darkness, and in response we too lean more to the darkness in the righteous belief that ridding those of sin will cleanse the world. The reality is we simply lower ourselves to their darkness and sin, regardless of our righteous belief.

Perhaps it could be said that humanity is doomed from the beginning for this darkness we bring to life. Perfection may be our path in purpose, but the dark side of us is powerful indeed and the world if nothing else just gets worse not better.

Personally, I engage less and less with the world physically, so not to have to witness the constant manipulation and delusion, which upsets my own sensibilities and heart. I don't claim to be perfect, or above any-one, as often I wish I could escape myself. But in the end, the less I connect to human beings in a daily sense, the better I am. I have some wonderful people in my life, but they are few and frankly I prefer to be with animals, who are what they are, no pretense, no ulterior motives, just love and devotion.

I believe we should embrace darkness as it is part of us, but then keep it in balance and live life to aspire to realize our potential. That is our purpose, I believe. But as the world is, I do wonder what lies ahead. 

Sunday 24 April 2016

Someone Else's War

War echoes in humanity,
a hard culling, a cyclic placation
of all that love is,
and the blood spilled in belief,
of righteous lies and deceit,
is but a reminder of fragility,
and in the end who other than greed
Young men face fear direct,
and against all odds fight
for country, family and belief,
a delusion of questionable truth,
and what they see, touch and feel,
shatters all that could have been,
in a just world,
of potential.
Instead minds are changed,
beyond redemption beyond return,
when torturous death and gore,
resounds in nightmare minds,
forever to be the canvas of any life at all,
and those who return,
live in guilt for having survived,
while mates and comrades live forever in pain.
Purpose sought and rarely found,
haunt the mind relentlessly,
fractured pictures of fire, blood and limbs torn,
smoke and rumbling earth,
the cries of fallen, alone and fading,
within a mind in comfort, now,
just too much to bear,
too much to assimilate.
And so they drink and smoke
and try to dull the memories,
etched hard in cognizance,
a secret wanting to join their mates,
remove this weight upon them,
and the pain, like scraping dull blades consumes,
caught between life and death,
from war, a shell, a hope yearned, bereft.
Silently they whisper,
it was someone else’s war.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Seeds are Sewn

Seeds of what may come haunt my mind,
not fear but possibility echoes hard,
like cold metallic pings, relentless;
and knowing a humanity that cares not for change,
may cause an implosion of no recompense.
Truths like smoke waft in and out of consciousness,
ethereal plumes filled with outrageous reality,
burdens of unthinkable dreams alive,
as if fancy proven true and reality as we knew it, a lie,
spoon-fed from beginning to end.
Sad the truth of our distracted lives,
oblivious, smiling refuges from actuality,
amused and numbed and not caring at all,
what ensues before our very eyes,
and what’s hidden to finally, suddenly be realized.
What if all the pawns, we sacrifices for our own good,
were to crave the power of queen or knight,
to know what plans tether all,
made by those very few, who hide truth
and hold the world on delicate strings, forestalled.
Just who is in control is my greatest fear,
is it here on earthly realms or perhaps elsewhere,
in conflict of struggles immemorial,
beneath our radar, above our pay-grade,
soon to be exposed.
The seeds are sewn, and truth eventually rises,
regardless of intentions, of plans laid in concrete,
for no-one is above truths persistent call,
its striving for light, its mirrored soul,
and when it announces its coming, the world will still.