Wednesday 25 May 2016

Get Tough, Not Weak!

Firstly I am not a racist, I have no religious bias and take people for who they are and present themselves. It is not my job to judge how people wish to live, but if those choices effect the greater good, then perhaps then I will speak up.

Islam is under fire continually, only because the terrorist of the day choose to use their religion as an excuse to kill and seek power. Muslims on the whole are people like you and I, wishing to live in peace and work to maintain a good life for their families. Their religious aspirations are none different to Catholics or Protestants or virtually any other religions, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever.

The problem arises when a religion extends so deeply into culture, it virtually segregates them from all other peoples. In an Islamic country, that is of course not a problem, and culture and religion work hand in hand, but should those of the Islamic faith chose to live in say a Christian country, how then should they behave culturally, so not to impact on their country of settlement?

The answer is clearly they must compromise to assimilate into the new country, as that is the culture in which they now will live. If they will not, then they are not eligible to settle; for that is surely part of an immigration expectation.

The widespread refugee crisis from war-torn Syria has created a word-wide problem of escalating concern. These displaced people feel it is their right to do as they please in their new countries of settlement, demanding they live as they have always lived , regardless of the culture of that country.

Recently in Australia and elsewhere, Muslims are demanding that they have lands and settlement as a group of religious peoples, so they can live as Muslims, both in religious practice and culture. What right has any religion or ethnic group to demand anything of a chosen country of settlement. Refugees are welcomed as are immigrants, based on their agreement to learn the language and the culture of that country so they can assimilate. Creating enclaves of any group simply separates, and division creates disharmony. If any group whether they be Islamic or whatever, refuse to assimilate, they have no right being in that country.

Hell, those displaced peoples of Syria, should be bloody thankful that a country takes them at all, let alone demanding they life how they wish. Any government that bows to these requests is creating a very tenuous future indeed, and with all those radicalized Muslims, no doubt among those who truly need re-settlement, is it any wonder people are nervous.

Any country who just opens the doors and gives these people an opportunity to recreate their own ravaged countries, in culture and religion has got to have a screw loose. Those families who truly accept resettlement and assimilation cause no problem for their host country, but those who start trying to control and demand rights they do not have should be dealt with smartly.

The world is not Islamic, and never will be, despite what many fundamentalists think. The world needs to be much tougher on immigration and refugees, offering a hand to those who truly need it, and ridding themselves of all the troublemakers who demand rights that just do not have.