Saturday 26 March 2016

Of Self, Love and Potential

Tony DeLorger © 2016

The antithesis of folly,
is the focus of self,
for when empathy and awareness
of others fades,
obstacles rise in balance
and struggle ensues.

It is not a point of morality,
but of cause and effect
that guides the undulations of life,
and the persistent will of self
can disarm plans quickly,
to render a rugged landscape.

Inversely, the giving to others freely,
elicits a gathering of positive energy,
which can placate negative circumstance,
and we in turn receive more than we give,
life's bounty a gift,
in circumstance, in understanding.

The morality of religion
is in fact a conscious understanding
of the mechanics of life,
and in selflessness we discover
acts of compassion,
and the core of what love means.

Spirituality for me,
has little to do with religion,
more, a belief in human potential,
what we truly are beyond the flesh,
and connecting to the very energy
that binds all life and existence.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Dealing with Ourselves

Tony DeLorger © 2016
No matter our intention,
no matter our underlying predilections, 
life will always challenge us
to the point of breaking:
that is the point,
the purpose of being here;
so no matter how indignant,
no matter how disgruntled we become,
remember, learning is the path.
We can squirm, complain,
play the victim all we like,
become paranoid, angry,
hateful and a nightmare for all around us,
but in the end
we either learn and move on,
or keep the cycle going,
plunge ourselves into eternal strife.
So, without deep contemplation,
epiphanies of earth shattering magnitude,
we should just know, that
accepting circumstances and facing them,
in a positive way,
is the key to learning
and finding meaning in life.
It is our chosen path; deal with it!