Monday 18 January 2016

Did I Do Good, Barack?

Tony DeLorger © 2016

Our beloved Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Mr Slick) is currently in Washington DC and in his first speech he will articulate Australia's position on ISIL, why we will not send more ground troop and our general attitude in addressing the proposal that ISIL represents Islam, which of course it does not. Ah, his speech writers have been working hard and it may even appear that this man has a brain, but who is he kidding, he is just mirroring the words and intent of Barack Obama, like two pigeons sitting on a wire. If all these righteous politicians would just cut the crap and get on with the job, ISIL would be over, dead and buried. But no, ISIL must be beaten by local forces, you see there's a principle here. I assure you, If ISIL achieved another 'Twin Towers', the US would flood both Iraq and Syria with every troop and weapon available.

Mr Slick refuses to use heated language talking about this war on terror, because he doesn't want to infer it is a much broader ideological war. You've got to be kidding, if the contrast of ideologies between ISIL, fundamentalist Islam and Christian nations isn't an ideological war, what the hell is it ? These people are terrorist, it doesn't matter what fucking religion they are, they are criminals and need to be brought to justice. How do we do that? By ridding the planet of them, by whatever means available. One of those means isn't 'principles', is it now? Pussyfooting politicians, heads well and truly planted up each others bums and wondering why they don't see reality, isn't helping.

This threat is global, yet politicians are still paving roads for their own political futures and doing what seems to be best for them, certainly not their nations and the world as a whole. I know world politics is complex and after all everything operates through cold hard cash, even or more particularly in politics, but when something threatens the world one would think there would be a gathering of nations to eliminate the problem, pronto.

I guess we all just have to listen to the rhetoric, see all those smiley pictures and handshakes, and somehow believe that these people will do the right thing. Again, if ISIL succeeded with a major incident on Australian soil, this would be a different article, Wouldn't it?

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