Wednesday 13 January 2016

Islamic Immigrants in Australia

By Tony DeLorger © 2016
The reason to immigrate to another country, is to have a better life and future for yourself and your family, and in honouring your country of choice, one has to abide by their customs and laws and assimilate into society by learning to speak the native language, dressing appropriately and living life within the accepted framework of the culture. This is common sense and accepted as reasonable by a welcoming country.
If any immigrant chooses not to accept tradition, culture or law, then they have no intention of assimilating and therefore have no right to live in the country as an immigrant, asylum seeker or anything else. If a religion or any belief prohibits their ability to assimilate, then again they have no place in the culture, and can't expect the country to welcome them with open arms. Points of contention with Islamic immigrants are the headdresses for women, namely the Niqab, the Burka and Abaya, which cover the face with only the eyes visible. This is opposed to an open Australian culture and should be disallowed, as should be any tradition that denigrates women in any capacity, even if its based on a religion. That is simply not Australian.
Should Islamic people feel oppressed being disallowed their traditions in their chosen country of settlement, then don't live in a Christian country. We certainly wouldn't be welcomed practicing our culture and traditions in an Islamic country, so why do they expect for us to honour theirs, when it clearly opposes our Australian culture. I feel the Muslim religion is outmoded and steeped in archaic traditions that do not relate to today's society, but I also believe everyone should be able to practice the religion of their choice, provided that practice does not contradict the laws and culture of the land. So a little common sense here, and make some laws that state our straight forward expectations of those who wish to immigrate to this great nation. Those who do not follow the rules should not be granted stay here in Australia. It's as simple as that.

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