Sunday 17 April 2016

Control- Out of Reach

Complicit in the contentions of the world,
we, each one, bare the burden of humanity's sins,
for if not aided, abetted in our complacency,
our choices of inaction ensue.

We may blame the unrighteous, unholy
acts of terrorism and violence,
yet we, collectively allow these atrocities to happen,
because we are less engaged or concerned regarding
those who rule and how they rule.

Global politics and power brokers rule
those with whom we entrust our fate,
never to be clear who decides definitively,
and why the struggles for power and wealth benefit nations.

Is reality within our grasp, within our power to change,
sadly not I feel, for wealth rules without morality,
and consequences judged by them as necessary,
regardless of how we feel, how we disagree.

Democracy is a ruse, the seeds of which,
like a shiny decoration to impress the impoverished,
proffers far less than its ideal suggests,
and our vote just a digit in eternity,
the same result, regardless of political party or belief.

The systems are inherently corrupt,
they can't be anything else, for all is based on money,
not welfare, compassion, love or even protection,
the systems are cold and clear cut,
the hierarchy based on wealth equals power,
in government and outside of government.

So how can we average citizens make a difference,
when who appears in government is not in control,
when all contingencies are fore-planned regardless of ideology,
and what will ensue far beyond our reach or influence,
in this, a world running out of ideologies that matter.

Not one political of social ideology has worked,
without bleeding from corruption,
until now when corruption is so complete,
corporations and banks rule the world, if not in light, covertly,
and we have not the money or power to resist them.

Sadly, the fate of humanity lies in revolution and drastic change.

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