Wednesday 10 February 2016

Perfection Reigns

Tony DeLorger © 2016

Perfection embraces imperfection
as an integral part of its being,
for our perspective of lesser states
is an ignorance in light of reality,
a misnomer of the pure functions of life,
ruled by the undulations of cause and effect.

What appears imperfect is perfection
in the eyes of evolving states,
the perpetual movement and progressions
of mind and body within the parameters
of a perspective that incorporates the whole,
not just one aspect of understanding.

Each component of life is perfect in state,
but not always in expression,
how we observe life's growth and movement,
which includes human reasoning, choices and circumstance,
evolving in learning and thus approaching a more perfect expression,
what we see and assume is perfection.

Yet perfection rules existence with a deft hand,
our perspective often governed by ill-conceived parameters,
and how we see ourselves, often a disservice,
an inhibiting expression of what is meant to be,
and how we choose to appreciate this reality,
dictates our very aspirations and accomplishments thereof.

We, each single one, are perfect as we are meant,
and how we choose to express ourselves,
either grows or diminishes our potential,
but regardless we are always perfect in state,
our expression always undergoing change and in struggle,
in order to maintain the law of balance.

No matter our observations, all remains in balance,
or in the process of restoring it,
life and indeed existence unable to be, without it,
thus perfection reigns as a state of reality,
imperfection a superficial relic of human assumption.

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